Good point made Anders.
Fisherman, you are a paradigm; an example of what JW belief and faith in God does to the brain. You have got the cart before the horse.
The Bible is a book of propaganda; it is full of ridiculous mistakes and errors and was only made ‘sacred’ by the Roman Catholic Church. To base your life on this shows that you cannot think for yourself, you only follow other people.
People who are afraid to think for themselves often end up in high control cults like JWs.
There is no scientific or measurable evidence, for a sprit deity to whom we are all beholden. The Bible is a collection of fictional tales (which happens also to mention some real things).
What book of factual events ever recorded talking animals and people coming back from the dead?
The WTBTS is a money-collecting and dishonest cult which is not in the slightest degree concerned for the welfare of its flock. It trades in the gullibility of people who trust in God and blind faith. What a confidence trick!
The horse which drives the cart of human progress is verifiable knowledge.
(If you were you to cast off your comfort blanket of faith, you could then correct me and say that the real horse is actually “disprovable” knowledge... but such subtleties are not accessible to believer’s minds).